Residency Round Table Sessions - UW Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

Residency Round Table Sessions

The department is excited to present the recorded residency roundtables, a series of conversations recorded in summer of 2023. Included in these roundtables are graduates of our program, current residents, our program director and associate program directors, and our department chair. Those interested will learn about the training program, life in Seattle, what makes a successful resident in our program, the experiences of  graduates who work in private practice and academics, and why residents choose our program. These videos cover only some questions about the program. Please reach out with any other questions to

Here are the videos of the recent sessions:


UW Residency Round Table Session 1:

UW Residency Round Table Session 2:

UW Residency Round Table Session 3:

UW Residency Round Table Session 4:

UW Residency Round Table Session 5: