Clinical & Translational Pain Research - UW Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

Clinical & Translational Pain Research

Successfully translating pain research into meaningful pain management in clinical practice improves the health and well-being of our patients and our communities.  Our researchers are studying pain in adults and children with the unified goal of improving patient care and developing innovative approaches and safe treatments for patients experiencing acute and chronic pain.

Pediatric Pain Research

Our researchers are engaged in studies to develop a better understanding of the impact of pain on children and adolescents with the goal of improving patient care and outcomes.  Focus areas include efficacy of psychological interventions, opioid use and risks for misuse, sleep deficiency and pain, and mechanisms of transition from acute to chronic pain.

Adult Pain Research

Focus areas in our studies on adult pain include early phase clinical trials of pain medications, using RNA sequencing to identify therapeutic targets for neck pain, testing innovative community-based interventions for older adults with knee osteoarthritis and testing a high frequency nerve block device.