Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center
Preventing injury and improving patient care for all
For 35 years, HIPRC has conducted rigorous research in the areas of injury prevention, injury care, and public health consequences of violence. We are a leader in interdisciplinary, socially diverse, and inclusive training of public health professionals. Our center has trained over 150 injury control researchers, most who work in academic settings. HIPRC’s work results in effective policy, drives public health practice, and leads to transformational changes in the way we provide health care to injured patients.
HIPRC aims to reduce the rates of injury and death among these groups from unintentional events such as car crashes and drownings, and from purposeful acts such as suicide and murder. Efforts span the continuum of medical care, from epidemiological research to determine injury causes, to acute care of trauma patients, to rehabilitation in the hospital and home.
Training the next generation of injury prevention researchers
HIPRC offers training and education opportunities for learners at every level from high school through postdoctoral fellowship with a focus on health care, public health, and injury prevention.
Training the next generation
HIPRC’s INSIGHT program hosts undergraduate, graduate and 1st year medical students.
Our people
Megan Moore, PhD, MSW, Interim Director & Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Christine Shinakov, MS, Center Manager
Genelyn Garma, BA, Administrative Specialist
Alexandra de Leon, BA, Senior Public Information Specialist