The Research Plan should be written primarily by the applicant, with the assistance of the mentor. The Research Plan must be in 11 point font size, double spaced, with margins of at least 1 inch, limited to 10 pages (inclusive of text, tables, figures, charts, graphs, references, and appendices), and organized in the following manner:
- Title and Abstract page (1 page limit)
- Title of research proposal
- Name, academic degrees, email address of applicant
- Name, academic degrees, faculty rank, telephone number, email address of mentor and proposed research dates
- Abstract. State the broad, long-term objectives and specific aims of the project, relationship to anesthesiology, and research design and methods. The abstract should be a succinct and accurate description of the proposed work.
- Specific Aims. State the long-term objectives and describe concisely what the research is intended to accomplish and the hypotheses to be tested.
- Background and Significance. Briefly sketch the background for the present proposal, critically evaluate existing knowledge, and identify gaps that this project is intended to fill.
- Preliminary Results (optional). Use this section to provide an account of the applicant’s preliminary studies pertinent to the application and/or any other information that will help to establish the experience and competence of the investigator to pursue the proposed project.
- Experimental Design and Methods. Describe in detail the experimental design and the procedures to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Include the means by which the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted. Describe any new methodology and its advantage over existing methodologies. Discuss the potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedures and alternative approaches to achieve the aims.
- Compliance Approvals. Is Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval needed for this project? Is Human Subjects Committee (Institutional Review Board) approval needed for this project? If either approval is needed, please indicate the approval number (if approved), the submission date (if not yet approved), or the date to be submitted (if not yet submitted). Remember that appropriate regulatory approvals MUST be obtained prior to starting the RRT. Obtaining appropriate regulatory approvals is the responsibility of the mentor.
- References. Cite only the most important, relevant literature.
- Personal Development (1 page limit). Indicate the benefits of the RRT to the development of the applicant as an academic anesthesiologist.
B. CV or NIH Biosketch of the Applicant
C. Mentoring Plan
- The Mentoring Plan should be written by the Mentor. The plan should describe the role of the mentor in the proposed research, specifics regarding the educational program for the applicant and how this award and the mentor’s teaching will prepare the applicant for an academic research career. Indicate how much of the mentor’s professional time is available for research and how much is specifically available for this project. Indicate the resources available for the proposed research, including laboratory (or other pertinent) facilities and funding source(s) (NIH or other). Indicate whether appropriate regulatory approvals have been obtained, or the plan for obtaining them. Provide details of the mentor’s recent mentoring experience, including a list of recent mentees, their current positions and their research projects. The mentor must provide a statement accepting responsibility for the resident’s supervision and development. The mentor’s mentoring plan is a critically important part of the proposal.
D. NIH Biosketch of the Mentor