In a recent episode of the American Academy of Pain Medicine’s “Pain Matters” podcast, Dr. Brett R. Stacey, Professor and Division Chief of Pain Medicine at the UWDepartment of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, joined a panel of experts to discuss a groundbreaking topic: “History in the Making: The Battle for SCS Coverage in Washington State.”
Alongside hosts Drs. Shravani Durbhakula and Mustafa Broachwala, Dr. Stacey was joined by fellow panelists Drs. Steven Stanos and Fangfang Xing from Swedish Pain Services, and Dr. Richard North from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Together, they delved into the Washington Health Technology Clinical Committee’s (HTCC) decision on Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) coverage, providing expert analysis on policy nuances, advocacy efforts, and the decision’s far-reaching impact on both providers and patients.